Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Computer System
- A computer is a
device that can...
- Receive data
- Input hardware
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Buttons
- Store data
- Primary and secondary storage
- Process data
- Using a CPU
- Output data
- Output hardware
- Printer
- Monitor
- Importance of
computer systems
- Safety
- Monitoring and
controlling nuclear
reactions within nuclear
power stations
- Travel
- Computers aid travel vary from
satellite navigation to online
ticket purchases to autopilots
that help to fly planes
- Business
- Many people depend on
computers to transfer
funds and to search for
- Education
- Computers can aid distance
learning, and help to learn in
a classroom. It can also be
used to administer test, and
maintating the pupils' grades
- Retail
- Computers
connected to
barcode makes
shopping faster
- Entertainment
- Hand-held devices and desktop
devices allow users to play
games, read books, watch
movies and listen to music
- Communication
- As well as emailing, computers
facilitates forums, instant
messaging, social networks,
teleconferencing and
- Standards
- Open
- Are publicly available and
flexible, and a nyone can
engage with it
- Proprietary
- Standarads defined by a company, like Microsoft
- Industry
- These are formally defined sets of
standards that specify how
hardware or software from different
developers interact
- De facto
- De facto are standars that eveolve from
what happens to work well such as
QWERTY keyboard
- Considerations
- Legal
- Copyright
- Data protection act
- Computer misuse act
- Health and safety
- Ethical
- Digital Divide
- Location
- Money
- Age
- storing personal data
- Environmental
- E-waste
- ecucling
- Less transport
- Less paper
- Testing
- Beta
- Alpha
- Reliability