Characteristics Of Plants


Characteristics Of Plants
Mindmap von Anaiya_Vailes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Anaiya_Vailes vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Characteristics Of Plants
  1. Traits
    1. Eukaryotes
      1. An organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus.
        1. Producers
          1. a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale.
            1. Producers are any kind of green plant.
            2. eukaryote is any organism whose cells contain a nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.
          2. Multiceller
            1. (of an organism or part) having or consisting of many cells.
              1. familiar plants, animals and fungi that we can see represent only a tiny fraction of life on Earth. These organisms, being made of more than one cell, are called multicellular.
            2. Adaptions
              1. Protection
                1. "he tried to protect Kelly from the attack"
                  1. Support
                    1. they need support to grow and get better
                      1. "the dome was supported by a hundred white columns
                    2. they need this so that they can survive and nothing will hurt them
                    3. Transportation and reproduction
                      1. Plants need to adjust to new enviorments and they need to reproduce to keep the cycle going
                        1. "the transportation of crude oil", "the problems are difficult to reproduce in the laboratory"
                      2. Classification
                        1. Nonvascular
                          1. not relating to, affecting, or consisting of a vessel or vessels, especially those that carry blood.
                            1. "Small and simple plants"
                          2. Vascular
                            1. of, relating to, affecting, or consisting of a vessel or vessels, especially those that carry blood.
                              1. "vascular disease"
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