Unit B: Evidence of Evolution


High School Biology 20 Mindmap am Unit B: Evidence of Evolution, erstellt von courtneyhebert99 am 19/01/2016.
Mindmap von courtneyhebert99, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von courtneyhebert99 vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Unit B: Evidence of Evolution
  1. Taxonomy
    1. Identify Organisms
      1. Provide a basis for recognizing a group
        1. CARL LINNAEUS
          1. Developed current system for biological classification
            1. Based on physical and structural characterisitics
              1. Kingdom - Phylum - Class - Order - Family - Genus - Species


                • Kings Play Cards On Fine Green Silk
            2. Taxon (Taxa)


              • Category to classify organisms
            3. Binomial Nomenclature
              1. Latin
                1. Uses Genus & Species


                  • Only first name is capitalized In type it is italicized Written it is underlined
                2. Kingdom Domains
                  1. Bacteria


                    • Unicellular prokaryotes (don't have a nuclear envelope)
                    1. Archaea


                      • Similar to bacteria but have significant differences
                      1. Eukarya


                        • Multi and unicellular eukaryotes (have a nuclear envelope)
                      2. 6 Kingdoms
                        1. Eubacteria


                          • No nucleus, single celled, hetero/auto trophs, inhabit a variety of areas
                          1. Archaebacteria


                            • No nucleus, single celled, hetero/auto trophs, live in extreme environments
                            1. Animalia


                              • Nucleus, multicellular, heterotrophs, ingest food & are mobile
                              1. Plantae


                                • Nucleus, multicellular, autotrophs, most are sessile
                                1. Fungi


                                  • Nucleus, multi/unicellular, heterotrophs, secrete enzymes & digest food externally  
                                  1. Protista


                                    • Have nucleus, multicellular, hetero/atuo trophs, many nutrition mechanisms
                                  2. Phylogeny


                                    • Evolution of a particular species on a phylogenic tree starting at most ancestral form
                                    1. Dichotomous Keys


                                      • Used to identify organisms - yes/no statements
                                      1. FOssil Evidence
                                        1. Depth doesn't always indicate age
                                          1. Radiometric dating is best
                                            1. Half life: amount of time it takes for half the parent to form into the daughter isotope
                                          2. DIRECT & PHYSICAL EVIDENCE
                                            1. Different species lived in the past
                                              1. Complexity increases from past to present
                                                1. Living species match fossils in their area
                                              2. Biogeographic Evidence
                                                1. PANGEA


                                                  • Fossils older that 150MYA lived on PANGEA and that is why they are found on many continents
                                                  1. New Islands
                                                    1. Endemic Species (ex - Hawaii)
                                                  2. Anatomical Evidence
                                                    1. Homologous Features


                                                      • Similar structures but different functions  - give evidence of evolutionary relationship
                                                      1. Analogous Features


                                                        • Same structure and function but don't have evolutionary relationship
                                                        1. Vestigial Features


                                                          • No useful purpose Ex) Whales have a pelvic bone
                                                          1. Embryonic Development


                                                            • At the first stages of our embryonic development, we look like lots of other organisms which shows evolutionary relationship
                                                          2. Biochemical Evidence
                                                            1. Similar DNA sequences indicate evolutionary relationships
                                                            2. Evidence from Artificial Selection
                                                              1. HUmans can select & breed traits quickly so these changes could've easily occurred naturally over time
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