Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Comparing constitutions
- Frankenberg,G. (2006), “Comparing constitutions: Ideas, ideals, and ideology—toward a layered narrative”, International Journal
of Constitutional Law, NYU School Law, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 439–459
- Shortcuts
- Systems theory
- ST praises shortcuts as a reduction of complexity
- shortcuts
- reduction of complexity
- Functionalism
- Functionalism uses ‘‘function,’’ ‘‘solution,’’ and the presumption of
similarity (between differing systems) as shortcuts.
- presumption of similarity
- Postivism
- Reduction to what can be seen
- Reduce the world to legal norms, arguments, procedures and institutions
- 3 fallacies
- cognitivist fallacy
- functionalist fallacy
- Only looks at " brute facts" -A FC picks a social problem, always already framed in terms of law, and then moves on to its legal soltion
OVERCONFIDENT that law is self-confident and automonous system of conflict management
FC's secretly dreams of an agenda of sameness -cultiviates a superficial visoon of legal globalization
- hermeneutic fallacy
- built upon a double reduction of the approach that focuses on the interpretation and better , that is more authentic understanding of the law+ cultural analysis of the law
Law appears only as a legislative or judicial script written for instrumental purpose
1. to regulate human behaviour
2. to shape conciousness
3. guide institutional operations
divorces culture from law
Denis the dynamic, dialectical law/ power and law/ culture rel. ship
- 4 constitution archetypes
- the constitution as
- contract
- dates back to Magna Carta
- early contractual model established a el. ship between the monarch and the barons, presupposing mambership of the contracting parties in one of the estates of the estates of the feudal order
- manifesto
- epitomized by the French Décl. of 1789
- program
- law
- Doing CL
- 1. Read
- 2. construct a writing
- texts written by framers
- constitutional elites/ advisers, glossators,
commentators, scholars, legislators and judges.
- Const, doc. bear a close rel. ship to pol + ethics
- permeated by...
- ideas
- ( def) “knots of significations that
“framers” courts and commentators have spunt” (s. 440)
- ideals
- Capture the programmatic, utopian, or
at any rate speculative visions believed to be enshrined in a constitutional
document. –Signify collective goals to be pursued –for example max. individual
freedom or high standard of equality, a society progressing
from capitalism to socialism
- ideology
Ideals turned sour but still
upheld for the purposes of political domination, social exclusion or the
reproduction of social injustice
Can also be: A system of ideas or a way of thinking that
forms the basis for some political, economic, or constitutional theory that justifies actions and may be
maintained irrespective of events and costs –f.ex. market economy
Ideals turned sour but still
upheld for the purposes of political domination, social exclusion or the
reproduction of social injustCan also be: A system of ideas or a way of thinking that
forms the basis for some political, economic, or constitutional theory that justifies actions and may be
maintained irrespective of events and costs –f.ex. market economy
- Frankenberg wants to create layered narrative
- connect constructive method with constitutive theory
- Definition
- Higher supreme law
- qualifies when...
- produced by law-making body, such as a constitutional assemby, convention, or the like
- is elevated by
- language
- invoking presence of sth higher/ Divinity
- adresses questions of...
- the good life
- signifiers
- common well
- common good
- social co-existence
- Narrative analysis
- Master plan & specific composition
in a structuralist vein , the narrative analyses the constitutional architecture dominated by a master plan, whose elements are rights and principles,
values and duties, organizational provisions, and rules for constitutional amendement and interpretation
Elements of master plan correspond to global repertoire ----their
specific composition and distinctive details reflect the local knowledfe that
is crucial to the revitalization of
comparative constitutional law
- The comparatist
- The comparatost appears an intellectual nomad –bereft of a
genuine field of law –left with a questionable and in the rescent past challenge method with which to handle an
explosion of fact/ big piles of info
Always has to serttle with
incomplete knowledfe and less than totak cognitive control (441)