Authenticity is Key for an EB!


Describes how the use of authentic assessment is key for an Emergent Bilingual
Mindmap von lyndsey_aulsbroo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lyndsey_aulsbroo vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Authenticity is Key for an EB!
  1. Portfolio Assessment
    1. My school implements Portfolio Assessment of EBs throughout the school year. Each EB has a folder showcasing his or her progress. I feel it is important to get the child involved in the creation of the portfolio. It gives them ownership and motivation to succeed. I also allow my students to choose samples to add to their portfolio. I make sure to add samples throughout the school year in ALL subjects to show academic achievement. At the end of the year, students are so proud to look at their portfolio and see how far they have come!
      1. Portfolio assessments reflect growth toward achievement of objectives. A variety of student work is collected over time. Included in these portfolios are information, samples, and evaluations.
      2. Ongoing Assessment
        1. Ongoing assessment of student learning provides teachers with feedback on the effectiveness of instruction and indicates where change might need to take place. It may also reveal strengths that are not detectable in high stakes testing. Students are able to show what they can actually DO!
          1. One easy example of Ongoing Assessment I practice in my classroom is the implementation of "Exit Slips." Students tell me one thing they have learned and one thing they are still confused about. If writing skills are not yet developed, pictures work too.
          2. What Assessment is Not Authentic?
            1. High Stakes Testing
              1. High-stakes tests are designed to measure whether or not content and performance standards have been achieved. The purpose of the standards is to make students, teachers, and administrators responsible for a high standard of teaching and learning. Unfortunately, when High Stakes Tests are standardized, EB students do not have the equal opportunity to pass. This is why I feel that High Stakes Tests are not authentic.
                1. Accommodations can be given to EBs with limited English proficiency. Examples of accommodations are: extra time, read instructions aloud, extra breaks, and the reading of Math and Writing test items. Even with these accommodations, I do not feel that these types of tests are authentic because they do not show what students can DO.
              2. Authentic Assessment
                1. Students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills. Authentic Assessment drives the curriculum! It gives students a vehicle to show they have engaged in the construction of meaningful learning.
                  1. Teachers first determine the tasks students will perform to demonstrate mastery, then the curriculum is developed which will enable students to perform those tasks well. ANALYZE, SYNTHESIZE, APPLY
                    1. A great example of Authentic Assessment in the classroom would be to allow EBs to create their own story map to show comprehension. EBs could map out the beginning, middle, and end of a story. A novice EB should be allowed to draw pictures instead of writing.
                    2. Initial Assessment
                      1. Initial assessment of skills and abilities helps teachers to provide appropriate instruction for all students. Appropriate educational decisions are made from the data so that suitable services can be provided. EBs must be treated fairly!
                        1. Home language surveys and Language Proficiency Tests are only a couple of examples of Initial Assessment. Schools are required to perform these tests with EBs. The initial assessment of academic knowledge is extremely important. Luckily, the ESL teacher at my school is bilingual and she is able to assess the Spanish speaking students in their L1. Being a 1st grade teacher, one initial assessment I practice in my classroom when I receive EB students is to gain an understanding of their listening and speaking skills.
                        2. Performance Based Assessment
                          1. Teachers can create a portfolio assessment based on classroom instruction and everyday tasks. Clear and fair material must be established from the beginning. Rubrics are necessary. Oral communication and/or reading can be concentrated on.
                            1. I practice Performance Based Assessment with the EBs in my classroom. My students read The Little Red Hen in groups. After that, each student was given an animal mask. The groups then took turns acting out the story with the masks. Not only was it fun, but they were able to show to everyone in the class that they comprehended the story.
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