Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Diagnosis and symptoms of depression
- Symptoms
- Unipolar
- The depressive symptoms affect 4 key domains:
- 1) Affective domain (emotions)
- Sad, depressed mood
- 2) Cognitive domain (ability to
concentrate, rationalise, thoughts
about themselves & intentions)
- Feelings of worthlessness/
negative self thoughts
- Difficulty concentrating
- Suicidal thoughts
- 3) Behavioural domain (behaviour,
activities and psychomotor movement)
- Lethargic/agitated psychomotor movements
- Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
- Insomnia/hypersomnia
- 4) Physical domain (any physical changes)
- Weight loss or
- Loss of
- Bipolar
- Since bipolar is periods of both depression and mania,
the symptoms for the depressive period is the same
for that of unipolar depression. However, there are
separate symptoms for the periods of mania
- Symptoms of mania include:
- Elated/irritable mood
- Increased participation on pleasurable
activities, e.g. drinking, drugs
- Usual talkativeness/rapid
- Distractibility; attention easily
- Less than usual amount of sleep
- Inflated self esteem, e.g. believing that
you have special talents
- Increased activity level at work;
socially or sexually
- Flight of ideas/ thoughts
- Diagnosis
- Unipolar depression
- Must have 5 or more of the given symotoms (below) during the same 2
week period, at least one of which must be depressed mood or loss of
interest in pleasurable activities
- Bipolar depression
- Same as unipolar for the depressive symptoms
- Must have 3 or more of the given mania symptoms (below)
as well as 5 or more of the depressive symptoms, at least
one of which is elevated/irritable mood.
- Bipolar depression facts
- It affects rought 1% of the population
- Affects both genders equally
- Onset is early 20's
- Unipolar depression facts
- Affects 5% of the population
- More prevalent in women than men
- Might be due to hormones
- Women may seek help more than men
- Onset is late 20's