Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Ideas from Aristotle
- What does it mean to be happy and to live a good life?
- How do we focus on what matters and live up to our own potential?
- Why do some people succeed while others merely get by?
- These simple questions have been with us for millennia and most of us find ourselves wondering about them as we mature.
- 3 basic things of Aristotelian ethics
- Eudaimonia
- The best way to translate it is good demons
- But "Well- being" and "Flourishing" are closer to what Aristotle means.
- According to Aristotle, all humans seek to flourish. It’s the proper and desired
end of all of our actions.
- In Aristotle’s schema, there are four aspects of human nature. How do we get four different
aspects out of “rational creature who lives in societies?
- We are physical beings (because we are animals)
- We are emotional being
- We are social beings (because humans live in groups)
- The irony here is that he founded a way of thinking that ultimately gave us tools to show that
many of his final conclusions were wrong.
- We are rational beings
- What virtue is
- A virtue is a trait of character that enables a person to flourish
- The Doctrine of the Mean
- the virtuous trait is that which is between the deficiency of that trait and the excess of that trait.
- Specific Virtues
- Temperance
- Wittiness
- Spiritedness
- Indignant
- Benevolence
- How Are All of the Virtues Related?
- What links all of the virtues is phronesis
- It's like knowing what the mean is in the particular circumstance you’re in. How does one know what
to do in a particular circumstance?
- We become better person throught practice
- We Become More Virtuous Through Education and Habit
- we’re brought up in an environment where
the adults around us teach us how to be
- -two ways-
- After we reach a certain age of maturity,
they can start to teach us why it’s good to
have the habits that they’ve been
- by training us to have habits
that enable us to flourish