Why is College Education So Expensive in the U.S.?


Mindmap am Why is College Education So Expensive in the U.S.?, erstellt von jensine.voon am 25/01/2016.
Mindmap von jensine.voon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jensine.voon vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Why is College Education So Expensive in the U.S.?
  1. Other Countries' Education Expenses
    1. Germany
      1. Japan
        1. Australia
        2. International Students
          1. 3 times more expensive
          2. Government Intervention
            1. Subsidy
              1. Student Loans
                1. Textbooks, Room and Board, Insurance expenses
                  1. State Funding
                    1. Parental Support
                    2. Different type of colleges and universities
                      1. Public
                        1. Private
                          1. Community
                          2. University Level
                            1. Undergraduate
                              1. Master
                                1. PhD
                                  1. In-state and out-of-state
                                  2. Government's Budget
                                    1. Education
                                      1. Healthcare
                                        1. Military
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