Zusammenfassung der Ressource
JustOne's Thesis Idea
- Paper Enginering Project
- Printed Electronics
- Underwater sensors to
stabalize aquatic structures
- Printed batteries for phones,
laptops, and other mobile
- Printed sensors with flexible
ink, for recreational testing
- Printer solar panels
- Coating
- Pizza Box Coating
- Coating to make pizza boxes
more durable
- Coating of weak materials used in
recyclying before and after
molded into new product
- Coating materials such as speakers,
and mechanical components to make
them water proof and air resistant
- Mechanical Engineering Project
- CAD based project
- Use of Inventor Pro, AutoCad 2019, or Rhino & Revit
to creat 3D prototypes for advanced parts
- Robotic Design Project
- Sensor and mechanical
components for life enhancing
robots or robotic wear
- Elemental propulsions used
as source of transportaing
for robots and vehicles
- New form of transportation
- Personal transportation
- Flight enabled device
- Magnetic board with self enabled levitation
- "People mover"
- Magnetic "guide" that can relocate
several people at once, or individuals
- How to make the World better
- Green Products
- How to help less privaledged communities
get access to more green products
- Enviornmental Protection
- Cleaning the atmosphere
- Developing chemical componds that are not destructive to
the atmosphers and can be used for rocket propulsion
- Cleaning up communities
- Increase presence of trash deposits to decrease littering