Mountain landforms


Mindmap am Mountain landforms, erstellt von Andrea Coley am 27/01/2016.
Andrea  Coley
Mindmap von Andrea Coley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andrea  Coley
Erstellt von Andrea Coley vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Mountain landforms
  1. Corries/Cirques
    1. erosional
      1. Snow falls in hollow
        1. Compacts to ice
          1. Ice moves down under gravity
            1. plucking
              1. plucking is...
                1. moutain process
                2. hollow gets deeper
                3. abrasion
                  1. moraine deposited on lip
                    1. ice melts over time
                      1. tarn is formed
                    2. abrasion is
                      1. mountiain process
              2. moraine
                1. depositional
                  1. 3 types
                    1. terminal
                      1. bottom of the glacier
                      2. lateral
                        1. sides of the glacier
                        2. medial
                          1. middle of the glacier
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