Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Hitlers aims/ foreign policy
- Maker Germany into great power again
- by taking over land, Germany gained soldiers, land, resources workers etc
- Abolish Treaty of Versailles
- Remilitarized Rhineland
- rearmed navy to 35% of the British
- Anschulss with Austria
- didnt pay reperations
- invaded Poland which spilt Germany into 2
- Unite Germany speaking countires
- Anchluss with Austria
- Sudentenland crisis and take over of czechoslovakia
- Defeat Communism
- failed
- Br+Fr initially thought they'd be allies with Hitler, all hated communism
- Expand Germany territory into east
- Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia
- Anchluss with Austria
- Invasion of Poland
- Remilitarisation of Rhineland
- 7th March 1936, Nazi troops march in
- not stopped by Br or Fr
- Br and Fr were undivided, Br thought TOV was too harsh
- occupied by Mussolini's invasion of Abyssinia
- Fr in the middle of election, French did'nt want a war
- Fr were nothing without Br
- Promised to sign 25 yr non-aggression pact
- excuse was, felt under threat because of Fr and USSRs mutual assistance pact
- Anschluss with Austria
- allied with Mussolini
- meant he wouldnt be stopped
- knew he would have support, many
Austrians were ethincally German
- believed both countries should
unite to form "Greater Germany"
- Austria became economically weak so public started turning to extremist parties
- strong nazi presence already
- caused trouble, met with Austrian
Chancellor and said only
Anschluss would end disturbance
- Chancelor was intimated by hitler
- called a vote
- rigged and Nazi watched over voters
- appealed for Br help
- helped hitler make Anchluss
happen, felt countires had the
right to
- Br + Fr not ready for war at all
- hitler gained more land, soliders etc reversing TOV
- Czech goverment scared,
knew they were next
- Appeasement
- 'negotiated' with hitler
- gave him what he wanted or without interference
- Czechslovakia
- Rhineland
- thought he could do
whatever, took many risks
- encouraged hitler to become more agressive
- with every victory, he grew in
confidence and power so thought he
could keep taking
- gave hitler more land,
resources etc reversing TOV
- led to Nazi-Soviet Pact
- some say Chamberlain had no choice as
Br was not ready economically or
resources wise for a war
- Sudetenland Crisis/ Munich
agreement and Invasion of Czech
- Hitler asked for bit of Sudetenland, allies agreed asked
for all, they were reluctant
- Germans lived there wanted to unite them
- also a very industrialised
and well militarised area
- lost 70% of industry and defense
- makes Germans look like victims by getting Nazi to cause trouble
- had conference involving Fr Br Gr It, no
USSR or Czechs
- USSR felt betrayed, lead to mistrust
with allies, led to NSP
- Czechs felt betrayed thought
allies would help
- Chamberlian wanted to
keep peace
- Chamberlian speeds up rearmament incase of
- Hitler gets what he wants without fighting, boosts
- makes Chamberlain looks good as he
maintains peace
- Hitler promised not to take anymore land
- invades rest of Czechoslovakia months later with
no opposition = grown confidence