Haiti- LEDC earthquake


Mindmap am Haiti- LEDC earthquake, erstellt von Andrea Coley am 29/01/2016.
Andrea  Coley
Mindmap von Andrea Coley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andrea  Coley
Erstellt von Andrea Coley vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Haiti- LEDC earthquake
  1. Location
    1. Haiti
      1. Caribbean
        1. Capital: Port-au-Prince
          1. Epicentre: 25km W of P au P
      2. Date
        1. 12th January
          1. 2010
            1. 4.53pm
          2. Magnitude
            1. 7.0
              1. 52 aftershocks
                1. Up to 4.5
              2. Main Effects
                1. 316,000 dead
                  1. Dead bodies in street
                    1. Spread disease
                      1. cholera
                    2. 1 mil homeless
                      1. thousands flee city
                        1. Camps set up to house people
                        2. 300,00 injured
                          1. Infrastructure destroyed
                            1. No clean water
                              1. Drink dirty water
                          2. LEDC
                            1. 14/15 Gov buildings destroyed
                              1. Emergency response very slow
                                1. Morgues full
                                  1. Bodies piled in street
                                  2. Hospitals destroyed or unable to cope
                                  3. International aid took over 3 days
                                    1. Prison destroyed
                                      1. 4000 prisoners escape
                                        1. Rioting in Port-au-Prince
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