Zusammenfassung der Ressource
animal studies of attachment
- Lorenz's research
- imprinting
- as a child a new born duck followed him around
- procedure
- randomly allocated half of the geese
eggs to the mother and the other to
- findings
- control group = mother goose
- experimental group = Lorenz
- when they wee mixed they both followed
the some person/ goose
- attach & follow the first moving object they see
- happens during the critical period
- different time for different species
- sexual imprinting
- imprinted on human = show sexual desire to humans
- Harlow's research
- the importance of contact comfort
- babies left alone died whereas
with a cloth to cuddle didn't
- procedure
- 16 baby monkeys
- half to cloth mother
- half to wire mother with milk
- findings
- preferred cloth to milk when scared
- maternally deprived monkeys as adults
- did not develop normal social behaviour
- more aggressive
- bred less - unskilled at mating
- neglected their offspring - even killed them
- the critical period for normal development
- within 90 days for monkeys
- early deprivation would be irreversible
- evaluation - Lorenz
- generalizability to humans
- mammalian attachment is different to birds
- cannot be generalised to humans
- humans can attach at any age but less easily
- some of his observations have been questioned
- Guiton
- attached chickens to yellow rubber gloves
- they tried to mate
- but learned to mate with chickens
- impact of sexual imprinting is not permanent
- evaluation Harlow
- theoretical value
- attachment does not develop as a result
of being fed but from contact comfort
- profound effect on human mother infant attachments
- important for social development and relationships
- practical value
- helped social workers to intervene and
prevent child neglect & abuse
- importance of captive animal attachments
- and breeding programmes
- ethical issues
- the monkeys suffered greatly
- however were the findings sufficient enough to justify this
- evaluation +
- can Harlow's findings be applied to humans
- monkeys ore similar than geese
- but how similar