Zusammenfassung der Ressource
explanations of attachment: Bowlby's theory
- Bowlby's monotropic theory
- disagreed with the learning theory to attachments
- looked at evolutionary explanation (innate tendency's)
- imprinting & attachments evolve to protect from hazards
- ASCMI - alice snorts cannabis Monday igloo
- monotropy
- attachment to one caregiver
- more important than others
- primary attachment figure
- law of continuity
- more constant & predictable the
child's care - better quality attachment
- law of accumulated separation
- effects of every separation add up
- social releasers
- innate behaviours
- smiling & cooing
- activate adult attachment systems
- make adults fell love towards the baby
- critical period
- relationship gradually builds up
- 2 1/2 years
- sensitive period
- if no attachment formed - harder in later life
- internal working model
- children form a mental representation of
their relationship with primary caregiver
- models what all relationships are like
- impact on future
- affects child's ability to parent
- evaluation
- mixed evidence for monotropy
- Bowlby - one primary caregiver = special
attachment - then multiple attachments
- against Schaffer & Emerson
- babies can form multiple attachments
at the same time as primary caregiver
- attachment to primary caregiver is just stronger
- not better quality
- support for social releasers
- needed to initiate social interaction
- interactional synchrony exists
- support for internal working models
- Bailey
- assessed 99 mothers with one year olds
- quality of attachment
- poor attachment = poor attachment as a child
- evaluation +
- monotropy is a socially sensitive idea
- controversial - implications for the lifestyle choices of mothers
- may end in poor quality attachment & disadvantage to the child
- effects whether to go back to work or not
- temperament is as important as attachment
- temperament = child's genetically influenced personality
- same babies are born more anxious than others
- explains social behaviour rather than attachment