Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Yesenia Ayala Amigon
- An interspace has the basic function of
mediating between the inside and outsid.
- The mediation includes very important
factors such as light, temperature, view.
- The relationship that exists Between
inside and outside, focuses on three
- First, the search of protection from the sun
often starts as an extension of the architectural
form towards the outside
- Second, the sense of inhabiting an actual space –whilst
being outdoors- is primarily achieved with the help of
recognisable architectural elements.
- And third, a close link to the open environment
is given by allowing direct views to both the
immediate and distant surroundings
- Both geographical and climate conditions
set specific challenges for local architecture
when coping with the external environment
- One of the climatic challenges is to provide shelter to people
from incident solar radiation when they are outside in the
- According to Spanish architect Rafael Serra (2000) -when talking about
building in hot and dry regions-, such protection should make a
distinction between sun and shadow, and should also become a
recognisable space (e.g. a yard) that reconciles architecture with the
- case studies in this research seem to
accomplish three basic conditions as
previously mentioned
- first, they mediate between
inside and outside; second,
they provide shelter from the
sun; and third, they allow
views to the surrounding
- The use of intermediate spaces generally considered a
solution architecture to address conditions in climates ends
- For example, when it comes to the desert, many
authors examine the types (runner, garden, etc.)
used in buildings to withstand the high daily
temperatures, especially outdoors.
- is had an analysis on the use,
size becomes, configuration
and the ability to generate
- For architects, a given space may achieve an
in-between condition if it mediates between
two different environments, for instance.
Furthermore, one of the above environments
can actually be located outdoors.
- First This enables architecture to be seen as a
geometric place that grows towards the
“uninhabitable” nature, as referred by Chilean
architect Germán Del Sol (1997) about building
under such extreme conditions; it also acts as a
meeting point with the landscape
- econd, the feeling of
inhabiting an actual space,
and not simply staying
under the protection of a
canopy or a sun screen
- Some building elements –or the building
form itself- can help to create the
conditions where inhabitants can realise
this affinity for space once outside
- One important feature from external
corridors -referred to connecting inside rooms
with the outside-, is the continued floor level
that prevails between those two different
- Amongst in-between typologies, the open yard
-or patio- may also appear as a local example of
mediation between buildings and their
surrounding environment
- Serra (2000) describes the patio as a
resource that generates a protection
from the sun in warm regions whilst it
relates architecture with the outside at
the same time.
- Although one of the basic benefits of an
open yard can be that of having daylight
gains inside, its value as an in-between
space seems to be supported by the idea
of including a glimpse of the outdoor
environment from within buildings in
order to create connection, or as Del
Sol’s previously cited concept, a meeting
point with the landscape