Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Issues in strategy
- A little bit of history
- Strategy is...
- Direction of organization
- Selection of Goals
- What are we going to offer?
- Products
- Services
- How we are going to coordinate our work?
- Young academic field
- Originated in business schools
- Harvad taught the first business policy course
- Became an standard for other Universities
- No theorical, teach by
- Experimented teachers or former general manangers
- Explain cases most of the time
- And not
- Articles or books
- Academics decide
- 1970 Make Research records
- Interest in plannig
- 1980 Strategy Manangment Society was formed
- Practitioners
- Consultants
- Academics
- Chandler
- Basis
- Andrews
- Ansoff
- 1960: Birth of strategic managment
- Strategic adaptation
- Growth of large businesses
- Explored how tehir administrative structures
- Adapted to accommodate that growth
- Like
- GM
- Sears
- Showed how executives
- Discovered
- Roles
- Making long term
- Decisions about the direction of their enterprises
- Then
- Invest
- for
- Strategy work
- Modified
- Organizational
- Strategy work
- Rather than
- Just effency
- Environment
- Constant change
- Opportunites and threats
- Organizations adapt
- Strengths
- take advantage of opportunities
- Internal
- Competencies
- Plus Enviroment
- Factor of success
- Weaknesses
- avoid threats
- Objetives + Purposes + Goals
- And
- Major policies and plans
- Mid-1960
- The Boston COnsulting Group BCG
- Segmentation studies
- Experience curve
- growth-share matrix
- 1970 Long-term-plannig
- wasn´t working
- Importance of enviroment
- Diversification strategy
- 1980
- Porter
- 5 forces
- Allied disciplines
- Economics
- Sociology
- Political science
- Psychology
- Has to do with
- Groups
- Beginning
- Continuing success
- To adapt to its context
- It has four fundamental questions
- How do firms behave?
- Why are firms different
- What is the function of value added by the headquarters unit in a diversified firm?
- What determines succes or failure in international competition