Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Gender, Crime and the Justice System
- Male vs. Female Offending
- Crimes that are equal
- Prostitution
- Crimes that females outrank males
- Abduction
- Crimes that males outrank females
- Property
- Violent
- Drunk driving
- Possession of Weapons
- Arson and Mischief
- Trends from 1962-1996
- Female crime has increased
- Gap between Male and Female offending has decreased
- Why?
- change in JS treatment of females?
- Females becoming more violent?
- High school students vs. Street youth
- High school
- males dominate in most criminal areas
- Street Youth
- more equal
- Gender differences in crime tend to be context specific
- Explaining the Gender Differences in Crime
- Biological Differences
- Hormones:
testosterone vs.
- Evolutionary Theories
- men and women have
different pathways to
reproductive success
- Social Learning Theories
- Females brought up differently than Males
- Taught different lessons and precautions
- Women's Liberation Thesis
or the Sex Role
- Female equality lead to
the increase in female
crime - they were taught
to "act like men"
- Weaknesses
- Females in
equal opportunity
as males are not
the ones who
engage in crime
- Females still seem to
avoid violent crime
- 95% of the time, a
female who
engages in CB does
so with a male
- Violence Against Women in Canada
- Facts
- Males + Females are
approx. equal risks of
victimization when
considering all crimes
- Males more risk
to be victim of
violent crimes
- Males are more likely to
be victims and offenders
in homicides
- Male offenders -
female victims in
Sexual Assault
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Types
- Common Couple
Arguments: After
or During an
- Systemic Abuse
- Patriarchal Terrorism
- Common Risk Factors
for Intimate Partner
- Poverty; Youth;
Aboriginal Status;
History of Violence
in Rlshp; Partner
has a CR
- Risk Factors for
- Victim initiation or
participation in violence
- Extent of the violence
- Sexual Nature to Violence
- Gender Differences in Nature of IPH
- Males
- Wife and Kids
- Anger and Jealousy
- To Control/ Dominate
- Suicide
- Females
- Safety and
Protection - to
"get out"
- Social Policy Implications
- Shelter Systems
- None for men
- Do they work?
- Save the lives
of males - not
- The problem is Enforcing Them
- Police Charging Practices
- Rape Shield Laws
- Restraining orders
- Gender and the Justice System
- The Chivalry Hypothesis: Females
"Get Off" Easier than Males
- The "Evil Women" Hypothesis:
Women Get Treated Harsher than