Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- verification principle
- metaphysical
- sense-experience
- illogical/meaningless
- knowledge
- AJ Ayer - "verification principle"
- Gavin Hyman - "according to theological discourse,
God is precisely that which is non-empirical"
- David Hume - "we must draw conclusion merely
from the known phenomena"
- the theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience. we cannot have
knowledge beyond the bounds of sense experience
- David Hume, as God is metaphysical, we could have no
knowledge about God and there is no justifcation in the
belief that God exists
- Ayer says that unless we can verify the statement then the
statement is meaningless and therrefore illogical state
- science is based upon empiricism as they rely on
evidence and proof
- God cannot be smelt, touched,
tasted, seen or heard
- as he is not physical, events interpreted by believers as
religious experience (perhaps where god revels himself)
are not open to emporical proof as they are supernatural
- Ayer's verification principle is meaningless as you cannot verify it
- cosmological and design arguments - the
existence of earth and it's level of design are
empirical evidence for a creator and designer
- certain kinds of religious experience contain empirical
evidence, int he absense of a physical explanation, must
point to a cause beyond the physical
- beyond the 5 senses we have a sense of intuitive knowledge and divine presence