Meuss & Raaijmakers Evaluation


Psychology (Agency Theory) Mindmap am Meuss & Raaijmakers Evaluation, erstellt von pmfisher1996 am 12/04/2013.
Mindmap von pmfisher1996, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von pmfisher1996 vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Meuss & Raaijmakers Evaluation
  1. Participants were given full information about the design and purpose of the experiment
    1. and were debriefed a second time by mail a year later and again asked to fill out a questionnaire about the experiment
    2. In neither, debriefing were any indications seen that the subjects had suffered any serious negative effects from their participation
      1. This enhances the ethical validity of the experiment and demonstrates how participants were not harmed
      2. There is validity in that the setting is a real university and the task is a job application which is a real life task
        1. The study followed a standardised procedure which meants each participant recieved the same experienc and negative comments
          1. This means that it can be repeated and tested for reliabilty
          2. The sample usd was a volunteer sample which means the participants may have been more motivated to do well
            1. There is lack of validity in that the situation is artificial in a lab setting
              1. and the participants taking part in a study would not normally be asked to give stress comments
              2. Participants were decieved as they thought the study was on stress and performance not obedience
                1. and that the applicants were real when in fact they were just actors
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