Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Meuss & Raaijmakers Evaluation
- Participants were given full
information about the design and
purpose of the experiment
- and were debriefed a second
time by mail a year later and
again asked to fill out a
questionnaire about the
- In neither, debriefing were any
indications seen that the subjects
had suffered any serious
negative effects from their
- This enhances the ethical
validity of the experiment and
demonstrates how participants
were not harmed
- There is validity in that the
setting is a real university and
the task is a job application which
is a real life task
- The study followed a standardised
procedure which meants each
participant recieved the same
experienc and negative comments
- This means that it
can be repeated
and tested for
- The sample usd was a
volunteer sample which means
the participants may have
been more motivated to do
- There is lack of validity in
that the situation is artificial
in a lab setting
- and the participants taking part
in a study would not normally
be asked to give stress
- Participants were decieved as
they thought the study was on
stress and performance not
- and that the applicants were real
when in fact they
were just actors