Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Studies B -
- Matters of
- All life comes from God.
- Life is special
and precious.
- Christianity
- Corinthians 3 v 16-17
- "Surely you know that God's spirit lives within you..."
- Psalm 139 v 13-16
- "You [God] formed my innermost parts, you
knitted me together in my mother's
womb... in your book were written all the
days of my life, before I even had them."
- Islam
- Qur'an 7 v 189
- "He is the one who has created
you from a single soul."
- Qur'an 17 v 33
- "Do not take life... which Allah has
made sacred... except for just cause."
- Sanctity
- God is in
charge of life.
- Only He should
decide when it
starts and ends.
- God has plans for
all people's lives.
- When does human life start?
- Birth - When the
human exits the
- 24 weeks - UK Law believes this. With
medical aid, the child could survive
independently of its mother.
- Conception -
When the
sperm fertilises
the egg and
becomes and
- 14 weeks - When the foetus begins to breathe for itself.
- 3 weeks - When the heart begins to beat.
- 9 weeks - When the child can be felt moving in the womb.
- 2 weeks - When the embryo
attaches itself to the womb.
- 16 weeks - Muslims believe a child receives its soul from Allah at this age. They believe it becomes a full human life.
- Medical Practices that Interfere with Life
- Creating Life
- In Vitro Fertilisation
- In Vitro means in glass
- Egg and sperm collected.
- Egg and sperm combined outside of the body.
- After a few days of incubation, conception has occurred.
- Fertilised eggs (embryos) have been created.
- Embryos placed in woman's womb
- Embryos placed in woman's womb.
- Used when a woman cannot naturally conceive.
- Artificial Insemination
- By Husband
- Husband produces semen samples.
- This semen is injected into the woman's vagina when she ovulates
- Used when the husband has a low sperm count.
- By Donor
- Donor produces semen samples.
- This semen is injected into the woman's vagina when she ovulates.
- Hopefully she becomes pregnant.
- Used when the husband has a genetic disease that he could pass on.
- Surrogacy
- One woman carries a pregnancy on behalf of another woman
- The child is brought up by the couple. The surrogate has no involvement in the upbringing.
- Used when a woman is infertile. In the UK, it is illegal to pay someone to do it.
- Views on "Life-giving" Practices
- For
- Genesis 1 v 28
- "Go forth and multiply."
- Everyone should have the chance to have a baby.
- Against
- If you are unable to have a child, God did not want you to have one.
- Children have been made 'artificially', can grow up feeling abnormal.
- The child may not know their biological parents.
- For
- If the husband has a disease, it would be unfair to make the child be born with that disease when there is an alternative.
- Genesis 1 v 28
- "Go forth and multiply."
- Against
- The donor/husband has to masturbate to get the sample.
- AID means it isn't the husband's child.
- Children have been made 'artificially', can grow up feeling abnormal.
- AID children may not know their biological father.
- God is in charge of life, not humans.
- Surrogacy
- For
- If everyone who is taking part wants to do it, this is acceptable.
- If having children makes you happy, this would please a benevolent God.
- Against
- It can be classified as adultery.
- If the embryo is successful, the other embryos are destroyed. This is killing God-given life.
- Children have been made 'artificially', can grow up feeling abnormal.
- A surrogate child may never know its biological mother.
- Course of Human Life
- Cloning
- Creating a genetically
identical human being.
- Illegal all throughout the world.
- Saviour
- Stem
- Genetic Engineering
- Genes can be removed or replaced in embryos.
- This could prevent a child being born with a genetic disease.
- Embryology
- Designer
- Blood Transfusion
- Blood is used from one person to replace blood in another.
- Transplantation
- An organ in one person's body is replace by the same organ from somebody else.
- Donors can be somebody that has died.
- Human Experimentation
- The testing of medicine of paid human volunteers.
- Human-Animal Hybrid Experimentation
- An embryo is created by putting human DNA and an animal egg together.
- For example, cow eggs have been used for research into cures for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
- Views on "Life-altering" Practices
- Cloning
- For
- Potentially stops diseases.
- Provides organs for transplants.
- Against
- Potentially abuses God's plans by messing with them.
- Trying to be God as He creates life.
- Genetic Engineering
- For
- Doctors improving life.
- If God is benevolent, he will approve of stopping suffering.
- Against
- Potential to abuse this.
- Messing with God's human design.
- Blood Transfusions
- For
- It can save sacred lives.
- An act of charity.
- Against
- The blood could be rejected which would cause death.
- Messing with God's plans.
- Transplantations
- For
- Can save human lifes.
- The donor is willing to donate their body, God gave us free will.
- Against
- If the donor hasn't agreed, it is theft.
- It is disrespectful to mess with a dead body.
- Human Experimentation
- For
- To test on humans is to improve human life.
- Testing is done in safe and controlled conditions.
- Against
- Possibly endangers life.
- It could be saying that we know better than our creator.
- Human-Animal Hybrid Experimentation
- For
- Anything should be done to improve life and rid the world of diseases.
- It is not creating new species, just embryos.
- Against
- Embryos are living creatures. Testing on them is destroying life.
- Cross-breeding of any type is warped and repugnant.
- Moral Issues
- Trying to act like God
- Link to "-ologies"
- Theology
- If God exists, He will not
approve of the removal of his
creations. He might also not
approve of his creations being
altered genetically. He may,
however, approve of their life
being extended where possible.
- Epistemology
- Over time, we have learnt about the
various genetic diseases that humans can
have, and now have the ability to detect
these in the womb. If we have the
knowledge to prevent these diseases but
do not, is this morally acceptable?
- Anthropology
- Is it right to deny the humans from
experiencing the life that each of us
experiences? They will not be able
to experience life if they are not
born. This can relate to abortions
on the against side and genetic
modification on the for side.
- Psychology
- Are humans able to
willingly end the
potential life of humans
without damaging their