Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Definition
- set of interalated processes
- deeper international
economic integration
- Gilplin (1997) increasing interdependance trade, finance, macroeconomic policy
- flattening process , technology
- Freidman level playing field
- Kobrin 1997 increasing technology scale and information flows
- Castells 1996 capacity to work as a unit in real time on a planatory scale
- Harvey, 1989 Mittelman, 1996 compression of space and time a shrinking of the
- Drivers
- Political
- trade liberilisation
- opening up of soviet bloc
- Free Trade Areas
- WTO, WB etc
- Economic liberalisation
- decline in barriers to
- Technological Change
- Liscencing, franchising, intellectual property
- Cost drivers
- Attention to developing countries
- Next 11
- Is it really happening
- Volume of trade is small reative to the size of most economies (Krugman
- Multinationationals locate most assets and R&D activities in their home countries (Doremus, et al
- Vast areas not affected,
- South & Central Asia
- Bulk of Africa
- Latin America
- Account for large amount of resources
- Current global crisis and globalisation of media suggest
- Heightened our awareness in living in an increasingly connected world (Held et al
- Global Culture
- concept of global village (Mcluhan 1964)
- world increasingly populated by cosmopolutan consumers (Levit 1983)
- National culture and values change over time through path dependant
not convergent ways (Inglehart and Baker (2000)
- Global Language
- Impacts
- Internationalisation of markets and production
- competition reducing price
- offshoring and outsourcing
- increasing economies of scope
- less focus on plant economies more global
- extending product life cycle
- Industry structure - Deindusrtiisation
- Changes in labour demand
- job losses and gains
- structural unemployment
- Economic dependancy
- culture
- allocative efficiency
- Implications
- inequality
- developing countries can't compete?
- displaced workers unable to find jobs
- causing political tensions
- sustainable? environment
- dominance of Triad
- loss of national soveriegnty
- need for global governance
- international problems = international rules