Intercultural Strategic Alliances


Mindmap am Intercultural Strategic Alliances, erstellt von carolina forero am 09/02/2016.
carolina forero
Mindmap von carolina forero, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
carolina forero
Erstellt von carolina forero vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Intercultural Strategic Alliances
  1. cooperative agreement between two or more parties
    1. With a goal or strategy in common
      1. characteristics
        1. Legitimacy of the market
          1. partnerships to enter a market geographically
          2. Relational Legitimacy
            1. Specific strategy to strengthen ties between the parties
            2. Legitimacy partner
              1. The strategy is aimed at the image of the organization on a social level
              2. Legitimacy of alliance
                1. safety strategic alliances
                2. Legitimacy investment
                  1. Alliance where the interests and investments of each partner is perceived
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