Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Note Taking
- One of the most comon study
- Most important rules:
Know how to listen
-Know how to think
-Know hoy to write
- Cornell Method
- Divided our notes in 3 sections 1:Right-hand
area use the most important ideas area use
the most important ideas 2:Left-hand area
use for personal ideas to understand easily
the topic. 3:Bottom area use for a summary of
key points.
- Sentence Method
- Write every new thought, fact or
topic on a separate line, numbering
as you progress. Gets more or all of
the information.
- Underlining
- Stand out the main deas of a paragraph using markets or
colors Number important or sequential ideas in the margins
Underline or highlight: main subjects examples of these main
- Drawing method
- Make drawings instead of written ideas dificult to
understand, It is easily to understand and can
express one or more simple or complex ideas