Note Taking


1 Inglés Mindmap am Note Taking, erstellt von Hugo Alberto am 10/02/2016.
Hugo Alberto
Mindmap von Hugo Alberto, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hugo Alberto
Erstellt von Hugo Alberto vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Note Taking
  1. One of the most comon study technique
    1. Most important rules: Know how to listen -Know how to think -Know hoy to write
    2. Cornell Method
      1. Divided our notes in 3 sections 1:Right-hand area use the most important ideas area use the most important ideas 2:Left-hand area use for personal ideas to understand easily the topic. 3:Bottom area use for a summary of key points.
      2. Sentence Method
        1. Write every new thought, fact or topic on a separate line, numbering as you progress. Gets more or all of the information.
        2. Underlining method
          1. Stand out the main deas of a paragraph using markets or colors Number important or sequential ideas in the margins Underline or highlight: main subjects examples of these main ideas
          2. Drawing method
            1. Make drawings instead of written ideas dificult to understand, It is easily to understand and can express one or more simple or complex ideas
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