AP Psychology: History and Approaches


Advanced Placement Psychology (History and Approaches) Mindmap am AP Psychology: History and Approaches, erstellt von Jennifer Goeckne am 10/02/2016.
Jennifer Goeckne
Mindmap von Jennifer Goeckne, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Goeckne
Erstellt von Jennifer Goeckne vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

AP Psychology: History and Approaches
  1. Wave 1: Introspection
    1. Wilhelm Wundt
      1. set up 1st psychological lab
        1. trained subjects in introspection-asked them to record accurately their cognitive reactions to simple stimuli
          1. structuralism-mind operates by combining subjective emotions & objective sensations
          2. William James
            1. published psychology's 1st textbook
              1. functionalism
              2. Mary Whiton Calkins
                1. became president of the APA
                  1. studied under James
                  2. Margaret Floy Washburn
                    1. 1st woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology
                    2. G. Stanley Hall
                      1. studied child development
                        1. 1st president of the APA
                      2. Wave 2: Gestalt Psychology
                        1. Max Wertheimer
                          1. examined a person's total experience
                          2. Wave 3: Psychoanalysis
                            1. Sigmund Freud
                              1. unconscious mind & repression
                                1. dream analysis, word association, etc.
                                  1. criticized for being unscientific & creating unverifiable theories
                                2. Wave 4: Behaviorism
                                  1. John Watson
                                    1. psychology should be limited to observable phenomena
                                    2. look solely at behavior and its causes
                                      1. B.F. Skinner
                                        1. reinforcement-stimuli that can encourage/discourage certain responses
                                      2. Wave 5: Multiple Perspectives
                                        1. most psychologists fall in this category
                                          1. eclectic-drawing from multiple perspectives
                                          2. Additional Psychological Perspectives
                                            1. Humanist
                                              1. Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers
                                                1. individual choice & free will
                                                2. Biopsychology (Neuroscience)
                                                  1. explain human thought & behavior in terms of biological processes
                                                  2. Evolutionary
                                                    1. Charles Darwin & natural selection
                                                    2. Cognitive
                                                      1. study how we interpret, process, & remember events
                                                        1. Jean Piaget
                                                        2. Social-Cultural
                                                          1. study the influence of culture on how we think & act
                                                          2. Biopsychosocial
                                                            1. combo of biological, psychological, & social factors
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