Theories of Teaching in Language Teaching


Mindmap am Theories of Teaching in Language Teaching, erstellt von Lalita Brand am 13/02/2016.
Lalita Brand
Mindmap von Lalita Brand, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lalita Brand
Erstellt von Lalita Brand vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Theories of Teaching in Language Teaching
  1. How the nature of language teaching is conceptualized
      1. Derived from research
        1. Suported by experimentation and empirical investigation
          1. Skills
            1. Understand the learning principles
              1. Following a tested model
                1. Doing what effective teachers do
                2. Might well provide a good starting point for inexperienced teachers
                  1. Truth is based on
                    1. What ought to work
                      1. THEORY-BASED APPROACHES
                        1. Rationalism
                          1. Systematic and principled thinking
                            1. Logical argumentation
                              1. Skills
                                1. Understand the theory and the principles
                                  1. Select materials based on theory
                                    1. Teaching that conforms with the theory
                                2. What is morally right
                                  1. VALUES-BASED APPROACHES
                                    1. Values
                                      1. To be educationally justifiable
                                        1. Development of human values
                                          1. Skills
                                            1. Understand the values behind the approach
                                              1. Select an educational means which conforms to these values
                                                1. To ensure that the value system is being mantained
                                            2. More interpretive views of teaching
                                          2. ART-CRAFT CONCEPTIONS
                                            1. Invention and personalization
                                              1. No general methods of teaching
                                                1. To create teaching approaches according to the particular situations in which they work
                                                  1. Skills
                                                    1. Treat each teaching situation as unique.
                                                      1. Identify the particular characteristics of each situation
                                                        1. Try out different teaching strategies
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