Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Neoliberalism
- Emphasizes actions of free markets, unfettered action of buying and selling as best means of providing development.
- NEOLIBERALS do not trust state to act in interest of people, and competition within markets, carried out by pri indi and companies will bring the
- Action of free markets. competition within markets by priv indi and companies will bring most efficient and effective production and distribution of goods & services.
- economy grows from this efficiancy and the wealth generated will benefit everyoneand help poorest.
- unfetterd markets
- capitalism
- Structuralism
- Agues the need for states governments and international agencies to control markets
- insure competition is fair and distribute the benefits of wealth.
- Intentional development actions: restrictions on imports, control over financial flows, subsidies to particular industries necessary to beat obstacles to development
- when many southern countries became sovereign states, after peroids of colonialism, development plans were state led.
- state-led
- Interventionism
- state-led and market-led
- combinationn of the two are important strategies and often necessary.
- reffered to as interventionism.
- People-centered development
- critical of all economic approaches
- redistribution of wealth, improving education and skills,health, improving conditions for people to become
self reliant, ensuring governlment is well managed and accountable.
- participation and empowerment
- micro level aims not macro
- idea developed in 1970s
- in response to what was seen as top-down nature of development strategies.(structuralist)