Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- 1300 - Estimate 5 million
- 1400 - 2.5 million
- Had been
decreasing from 1300
- 50% died
- "not enough alive to bury the dead"
- Mathusian levels
- Increasing for 200 years
- Urbanisation
- London was the biggest city
- Particualy to coastal towns
- 10% lived in towns and cities
- death rates
- peasants had it the hardest
- Can't flee
- Worst sanitary conditions
- Worst imune system
- West Thickly was left
- High concentrations of people
- 1350 - 1500. 1300 villages were desserted
- Lots of priests died
- 45% died
- Not enough for all the confessions
- Lollards
- Don't need priests to worship
- Annoyed that the church still
didn't pay tax
- The church was getting rich
fro the deaths of peasants
- Bishop of Bartonwells: "Any lay person, even a women
can hear a confession."
- Yoevall had 4 priests in one month
- 1/3 died in 1348
- sudden impact
- 25 million died in Europe
- Posative effects on peasants
- Increased mobility
- Higher wages
- Wages doubled in Hartfordshire
- Lower rent
- Acute shortage of labourers
- Rents in cambridgeshire dropped by 50%
- Social mobility increases for the FIRST TIME
- The Black Death had a
huge/dramatic effect on society
- Begening of the end of the manorial system