Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Climate and Vegetation
- Tropical Rain forests
- West and Central Africa
- 20% of continent
- Forest moisture
- Rich enviroment
- Home to variety of plants
and animals
- Cacao and cassava
- Fish and hunt
- Harvest timber
- Threatens rain forest
- Tropical Savannas
- Most common vegetation in Africa
- Tall grasses, thorny
bushes, scattered trees
- Home to lions, elephants, and zebras
- Dry season
- Farming impossible
- Trade
- Build houses
- Visit friends
- Wet season
- Plant crops/farm
- Deserts
- Sahara
- Covers as much
land as U.S.
- Meets Sahel
- Namib
- Sand dunes
- Kalahari
- Scrub and small bushes
- Nomads/Desert Living
- Herders who trade
- Travel to places with
food and water for
sheep, camels, goats
- Spring-Mountains
- Dry season-Oases
- Rainy season-pastures
- Sahel
- Hot
- Dry
- 4 to 8 inches of rain
- Small shrubs,
grass, some trees
- Effect on Health
- Malaria
- Mosquitoes
- Live in warm, moist
climates. Breed in water
- South of the Sahara
- Tsetse fly
- Sleeping sickness,
fatal to cows
- 1/5 of Africa