Multiple Linear Regression


Regression Mindmap am Multiple Linear Regression, erstellt von Keith Walker am 14/04/2013.
Keith Walker
Mindmap von Keith Walker, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Keith Walker
Erstellt von Keith Walker vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Multiple Linear Regression
  1. Y = a + b₁x₁ + b₂x₂.....bkxk
    1. xᵢ is the ᵢth explanatory variable (i= 1,2,3...k)
      1. Y is mean, expected or predicted value of y which corresponds to a group of values for x
        1. Partial Regression Coefficients where b₁ represents the amount Y equals when b₁ is increased by 1 unit and all other coefficients remain the same.
        2. Analysis
          1. Goodness of fit. Adjusted R². Lo = poor
            1. ANOVA ie H₀ b₁,b₂.....bᵢ =0 Significant result, at least one x is linear related to Y
              1. t-test of each coefficient. Same as for Linear Regression for each explanatory variable. b₁/SE(b₁)
              2. When we are interested in the effect of several explanatory variables on a dependant variable.
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