Civil War (1945-49)


Mindmap von g-jacqmin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von g-jacqmin vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Civil War (1945-49)
  1. Events
    1. June 1946: GMD launch offensive in Northern China
      1. March 1947: GMD had won many battles and captured CCP capital of Yanan
      2. CCP, led by Lin Bao, avoided pitched battles + used guerrilla tactics
        1. People's Liberation Army (PLA) took control of large areas of Central+Northern China where they had big support
        2. 1948: PLA was big enough for a pitched battle
          1. 1948: Battle of Huai-hai -- Guomindang lost 500,000 men+ lots of equipment
          2. 1948: PLA now controlled Central China and captured Beijing+ Shanghai
            1. January 1949: Chiang + 200,000 troops fled to Taiwan
              1. 1st October 1949: Communists set up : People's Republic of China
              2. Background
                1. Kuomintang
                  1. 3 million american-trained+equipped soldiers.
                    1. Held main cities+railways
                    2. CCP
                      1. 1 million soldiers, mostly peasants
                        1. Only strong in countryside/ controlled no cities
                      2. CCP Strengths
                        1. Mao's policies ensured peasant support
                          1. Mao seen as 'liberator' from WW2 fight with Japan
                            1. Successful guerrilla tactics 1946-48
                              1. 1945: 1 million men
                                1. 1949: 4 million men
                              2. GMD Weaknesses
                                1. Chiang's government seen as corrupt
                                  1. High inflation+ 'blueshirt' brutality --> seen as party of landlords, not peasants
                                    1. American govr. stopped funding Chiang in 1947 when they started losing
                                      1. GMD forces fell from 3 million to 1.5 million by 1947
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