Sichuan Earthquake (12th May 2008) (China- LEDC)


Mindmap am Sichuan Earthquake (12th May 2008) (China- LEDC), erstellt von gracemgardiner am 02/01/2014.
Mindmap von gracemgardiner, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von gracemgardiner vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Sichuan Earthquake (12th May 2008) (China- LEDC)
  1. Causes
    1. 7.9 richter scale
      1. Destructive collision boundary
        1. Indian plate collided with Eurasian plate
        2. Pressure from collision was released along the Longmenshan fault line
        3. Primary Effects
          1. $75 billion- worth of damages
            1. 69.000 died
              1. 18,000 missing
                1. 374,000 injured
                  1. 80% of buildings collapsed near the epicentre
                    1. 12.5 million animals died
                      1. 1 million pigs died
                      2. Landslides
                        1. 5 million buildings collasped
                          1. Chemical plants collapsed in Shifang
                            1. Power and water cut off
                            2. Secondary Effects
                              1. Hard to treat injured
                                1. 11m homeless
                                  1. Farming affected
                                    1. Blocked roads and rivers could casue flooding
                                      1. People trapped
                                        1. Leaked toxic ammonia
                                        2. Immediate Responses
                                          1. Level 1 emergency took place
                                            1. People's Liberation Amry sent 200,000 soldiers to elp
                                              1. 20 helicopters for rescue and relief efforts
                                                1. International help teams from Japan, Russia and South Korea
                                                  1. Tents sent in and land flattened so they could be erected
                                                  2. Long Term Responses
                                                    1. Unicef helped re-establish maternal and child health services and helped build an immunization registration system
                                                      1. Production of tents increased to meet 3.3m needed
                                                        1. Red Cross donations ( 1m after 2 weeks)
                                                          1. 1m temporary homes built
                                                            1. Chinese Government pledged $10m re-building fund
                                                              1. Banks wrote off debts owed by survivors who did not have insurance
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