Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Areas for improvement - binary
- Binary images
- Explain the representation of an
image as a series of pixels
represented in binary.
- A binary image is a
digital image that has
only two possible
values for each pixel, 0 and 1.
- he two colors used for a
binary image are black and white,
though any two colors can be used.
- Explain the need for metadata to be included in the
file such as height, width and colour depth.
- Discuss the effect of colour depth and
resolution of the size of an image.
- Binary sound
- Explain how sound can be sampled and stored in
digital form.
- Explain how sampling intervals and other considerations
affect the size of a sound file and quality of its playback.
- Binary instructions
- Explain how
instructions are coded
as bit patterns.
- A computer can only
operate with pure binary
numbers (bit patterns)
- A high level language is one that allows the programmer
to write code that is fairly independent of the processor
hardware it runs upon.
- Explain how the computer distinguishes
between instructions and data.