Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Historical Interpretations
- Inter-wars years
- Historians
- C. Hartley Grattan
- Walter Mills
- Charles Beard
- View on war entry reasons
- Believed that Wilson had made
the USA enter the war because
of his relationship with big
- Evidence
- The powerful and
wealthy gained huge
profits from US enter to
the war
- Exports to the
Allies brought
America out of
- 1914
- Bryan resigned because
he felt the loans and
exports were
compromising neutrality
- Pressures for war entry
came from ordinary
business interests
- Political stance of historians
- Isolationist
- Felt that war entry was wrong
should not be repeated
- Recent revaluation of period views credebility
- Refined economic
data suggests the
period historians were
valid in their veiw
- Benjamin O. Forham
- US exports doubled as a percentage of the GNP
- 1914 - 1916
- 70% of them went to Europe
- As a result
- German renewal of unrestricted
warfare which was a real catalyst
of America entering the war
- Economic reasons not significant
- 1916
- US economy was already
healthy due to their
entry into markets the
nations in WWI could not
meet. Regardless of
allied trade the nation
would have prospered.
- 2008
- Ross Kennedy
- Wilson blamed
old European
reliance on
balanced power.
- Wilson felt
collective security
could only be
achieved by trust.
- Felt Germany had
to return taken
lands and become a
- Wilson shared Allied war aims
- This contradict neutral
ideals as he would
always favour one side
- 1990s
- Harold Evans
- Veiw
- Wilson followed
moral principle
- USA had to fight
to make the world
a better place
- Evidence
- Contrasted
Wilson with
Roosevelt who
he felt would
have gone to
war earlier in
order to ...
- defeat the aggressor nation Germany
- remedy US greivances
- restore the balance of power
- Felt he went to destroy the
old forms of diplomacy and
introduce a new world order
based on rights and respect
for all people
- 1950s
- Carl N. Deger
- View
- Argued that
Wilson's main
interest when he
entered the war
was legalistic
- Evidence
- Neutrality concepts held by
Wilson followed the law which is
why he made the USA become
involved in Latin America
- Had stated that under
international law, America
could freely trade with any
nation it wanted to and
American citizens were not
to be harmed while sailing.
- Germany defied this and attacked
them with unrestricted submarine
warfare which Wilson saw as illegal
and a crime against humanity.
- 1960s
- Hugh Brogan
- Germans left Wilson with
no choice. US involvement
was inevitable
- Unrestricted
submarine warfare
renewal was
meant to defeat
Allies before the
USA could get
- A better world was at stake
- Did not like either side but
when involvement was
certain the Allies were seen
as the lesser of the two evils
- Key
- Had no choice
- Wanted to enter war
- Period bias
- Historian
- Dates
- Niall Ferguson
- 2003
- Book Colossus
- Wilson was an idealist
who sought a new
international order based
on fairness and justice
- Wilson felt any peace settlement should
advantage of European people and not
governments seeking to impose control
- December 1914
- 2015
- Ferguson felt each nation
should chose who their
sovereign leadership
- Though the Lusitania sinking
and submarine problem were
triggers, Wilson had sublime
thoughts in mind when
declaring war