Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How much reform was there between 1881-1905?
- Political
- Poor working conditions led to
social unrest and increased
support for alternatives to Tsarism
- A greater business
class was developed
- Okhrana
- Little political opposition to repression
- Economical
- Increase in coal, oil and iron
production due to Witte
- Trans-Siberian railway enabled
goods to be traded easier and
therefore gain more income
- Vast natural resources of
Siberia were exploited
- Russia was still behind the industrial development
of other Great Powers, such as Britain
- Social
- Jobs were created through increased
production and railway, people moved to city,
decrease in living and working conditions
- Education was still very limited for
women and the poorer classes
- Living and working conditions were still
poor for those who lived in the cities
- Military
- Witte's great spurt allowed military power to
be developed as capital goods produced
were also used for military production
- Russia's military was still not widely known,
or particularly strong but was developing