Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Brave New World
- Characters
- John the Savage
- Romantic. Believes in living by Shakespeare
- His views are as irrational as those of the Society
- Unable to adjust to Fordism,
rejects the pleasure of the world
- Believes technology is a poor substitute for personal freedom
- Bernard Marx
- The other misfit of the novel
- Enjoys being alone, conditioning does not appear to have worked
- Ends the novel banished from society (which he treats as a tragedy)
- Helmholtz Watson
- Confident Alpha Plus
- Begins to despise writing the same useless
- Comes to view his exile as an opportunity for better writing
- Mustapha Mond
- The only character to have accuse to history
- Believes the World State is the answer to humanity
- Clearly an intelligent character. Antagonises the idea of good and bad
- Neil Postman - Critic
- Orwell feared a world where books would be banned. Huxley
feared a world where nobody would read them
- Orwell feared a world where information would be restricted. Huxley feared
a world of too much information as to render it irrelevant.
- Themes
- Pavlov's Dog - Theory of behaviour - Hypodermic learning
- Fordism - The mechanisation of the economy. Rejection of God.
- Dangers of the cinema - The introduction of "feelies" to nullify the masses
- Electroconvulisive Therapy - increasingly popular as a means of
treating mental illness. In Huxley's world it is used to enforce State