Cardiovascular disease:


Mindmap am Cardiovascular disease:, erstellt von Cococourts am 06/01/2014.
Mindmap von Cococourts, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Cardiovascular disease:
  1. Coronary Heart disease
    1. Narrowing: Coronary arteries that supply blood &oxygen to heart.
      1. Usually: from the build up of LDL cholestrol in walls of arteries
      2. Symptoms: Angina, shortness of breath, myocardial infarction.
        1. Loss of elasticity of arteries involved
        2. Myocardial Infarction
          1. Areas of myocardium (heart muscle) die due to an interruption of blood flow
            1. Usually: from a blockage from atherosclerosis
              1. Symptoms: Angina, shortness of breath
              2. Atheroma (Atherosclerosis)
                1. Plaque causes obstruction (atheromatous plaque)
                  1. Combination of cholestrol, triglycerides & blood components
                    1. -> Atheroma formation -> Fat deposits become invaded by fibrous tissue & then calcified
                  2. Symptoms: Angina, shortness of breath
                  3. Aneurysm (Aortic)
                    1. Dilation of a portion of the aorta, usually at site of weakness in the aortic wall.
                      1. Can rupture -> dissecting aneurysm & can cause blood loss, circulatory shock, rapid death.
                        1. Increased risk: Smoking, inheritence
                        2. Asthma
                          1. Allergens: -->
                            1. Lining of airways -> inflamed
                              1. Epethelial cells secrete more mucus
                                1. Fluid leaves capillaries & enters airway
                                  1. Constriction of bronchi
                                  2. Symptoms:
                                    1. Breathing difficulty
                                      1. Wheezing (when breathing)
                                        1. Tight feeling in chest
                                          1. Coughing (reflex response to the obstructed bronchi & bronchioles - effort to clear them)
                                        2. Emphysema
                                          1. Smoking: causes alveoli in lungs to collapse & reduce SA & elastacity in the lungs
                                            1. Symptoms:
                                              1. Shortness of breath
                                                1. Chronic cough
                                                  1. Oxygen deficiency = blue skin
                                                    1. Tight chest
                                                  2. Fibrosis
                                                    1. Scars form on the epithelium & thicken
                                                      1. Gas diffusion = Harder
                                                        1. Oxygen's unable to diffuse
                                                          1. Lung elasticity = reduced
                                                      2. Symptoms:
                                                        1. Shortness of breath (lungs fill up with fibrous tissue)
                                                          1. Chronic cough (breathing difficulty)
                                                          2. Pain & discomfort
                                                            1. Weakness & fatigue
                                                          3. Tuberculosis
                                                            1. Inhalation of droplets to the upper region of lungs:
                                                              1. Bacteria grows & divides
                                                                1. White blood cells form at the infection site
                                                                  1. Innflamation of lymphoctus
                                                                    1. Bacteria's able to sit dorment
                                                              2. Symptoms:
                                                                1. Persistent cough
                                                                  1. Coughing blood & fever
                                                                    1. Loss of appetite
                                                                      1. Fatigue
                                                                      2. Treatment:
                                                                        1. Vaccination, medication, improving housing, health facilities, nutrition -> strong immune system
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