Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Pyloric stenosis
- hypertrophy of the pyloric mm
- -> gastric outlet obstruction
- epidemiology
- presents btw 2-7 weeks of age
- regardless of gestational age
- commoner in boys (4:1)
- especially 1st borns
- family hx present
- esp on maternal side
- clinical features
- vomiting
- increases in freq
and forcefulness w/
- ultimately becomes projectile
- hunger after vomiting
- until dehydration -> loss of interest in eating
- weight loss
- if presentation delayed
- hypochloraemic metabolic alkosis w/
low Na+ and low K+
- due to vomiting stomach contents
- diagnosis
- test feed
- done unless immediate fluid resus needed
- milk feed given
- hungry infant becomes calm
- allows examination
- on examination
- gastric peristalsis observed
- wave moving from left to right across abdomen
- palpable pyloric mass
- feels like an olive
- in right upper quadrant
- if stomach distended with air
- empty with NG tube so you can palpate it
- possible dehydration
- if diagnosis in doubt
- ultrasound
- Mx
- 1. correct any fluid & electrolyte disturbance
- iv 0.45% saline and 5% dextrose w/ K+ supplements
- 2. pylormyotomy
- once hydration, acid-base and electrolytes normal
- definitive treatment
- involves division of hypertrophied mm down to, but not including the mucosa
- open procedure via periumbilical incision or laparoscopically
- post op child can eat within
6hrs and be discharged within 2
days of surgery