Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Effects of the Cultural Revolution
- Industry
- Factories re-organised to give power to the workers
- Prizes+bonuses abolished
- All workers given equal wages
- Technicians dismissed--> production fell
- Transport ground to a halt
- Education
- Seriously disrupted
- Students refused to sit tests --> showed inequalities between them
- Students sent to farms + factories to learn from peasants
- University places given to communists
- Countryside
- Private plots of land taken away from peasants
- Country markets, shops+restaurants closed
- But more primary schools created
- Government
- Opponents killed/sent into
- Deng XiaoPing, general secretary of
CCP = removed from post
- Revolutionary committees, run by
PLA, governed country
- Mao
- Strong position
- Most moderates expelled from party
- Mao's supporters occupied top spots