Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Problems
- History
- slavery
- african-americans
- first slaves in 1623
- Present
- gap between rich and poor
- most won´t reach the "The American Dream"
- for the future it might be Trump ;)
- mexican border
- much more
- drugs
- generelly
- rassism
- Ku-Klux-Klan
- persecution
- equality "white" man only
- police shooting unarmed african-americans
- one of the highest murder rate
- violence
- Beliefs and Values
- Inalienable & God-given rights
- Libery
- personal and religious freedom
- Pursuit of Happiness
- personal/material success &wealth
- belief in "anticipaced success"
- Individualism
- realizing one´s goals
- pursuing one´s dreams
- Equality
- equal rights
- men
- women
- different ethics
- different social backgrounds
- Life
- secure life
- protected by law, government & military
- Patriotism
- importance of national symbols
- Statue of Liberty
- Declaration of Indipendence
- Constitution
- U.S. Flag
- National Anthem
- pride in being American
- first expressed by James Turslow Adams (1931)
- Roots in the Decleration of Indipendence (1776)
- refers to basic human rights
- Phrases
- "from rags to riches"
- "from dishwasher to millionaire"
- "think big, get rich"
- "bigger and better"
- historical events
- Bill of Rights ( 1791 )
- Declaration of
Independence ( 1776 )
- Emancipation Proclamation ( 1863 )
- signed by President Lincoln
- officially abolishes slavery
- NAACP founded ( 1910 )
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- U.S. oldest civil rights organization
- Barrack Obama comes President ( 2008 )
- first African-American President of the U.S.
- Great Depression ( 1929-1939 )
- economic
- many people lost job,
ended up homeless
- "I have a Dream" by Martin Luther King Jr ( 1963 )
- speech about giving colored americans hope