Byrne and Clore's Reward/ Need Satisfaction Theory, 1970
Mindmap on Byrne and Clore's 1970 Reward/ Need satisfaction Theory. One of the two theories on formation of relationships for the AQA 'A' specification, for Relationships (Unit 3)
Byrne and Clore's Reward/ Need
Satisfaction Theory, 1970
(AO1) Attraction through association - As well as liking people with
whom we share a pleasant experience, we also like people who are
associated with pleasant events. We learn to like people through the
process of classical conditioning in this way. Byrne and Clore believed
that the balance of positive and negative feelings in a relationship was
crucial in romantic relationship formation.
(A01) Rewards and punishments - According to the
principles of operant conditioning, we are likely to
repeat any behaviour that leads to a desirable
outcome and avoid behaviours that lead to an
undesirable outcome. Byrne and Clore suggest,
therefore, that we enter into relationships
because it is the presence of some individuals that
is associated with reinforcement, thus making
them more attractive to us.
(AO2) RESEARCH SUPPORT - Evidence for
the importance of reward - Griffit and
Guay (1969) found support for the belief
that we like individuals because they
provide direct reinforcement.
Participants were evaluated on a creative
task by an experimenter and then asked
to rate how much they liked the
experimenter. The rating was highest
when the experimenter had positively
evaluated (i.e. rewarded) the
participant's performance on the task.
(A02) RESEARCH SUPPORT - Evidence for
need satisfaction through Facebook use -
Sheldon et al (2011) discovered that
greater Facebook use was positively
correlated with both feelings of positive
(feelings of 'connectedness') and negative
indicators of relationship satisfaction
(feelings of 'disconnectedness')
(AO3) Cultural bias - The theory does
not account for cultural and gender
differences in the formation of
relationships. Lott (1994) suggests
that in many cultures, women are
more focused on the needs of others
than receiving reinforcement.
(AO2) RESEARCH SUPPORT - Physiological support
- Aron et al (2005) found that those who
measured very high on a self-report
questionnaire of romantic love also showed
strong activity in particular areas of the brain,
including the ventral tegmental area. Early stage,
intense romantic love was associated with
elevated levels of activity in the subcortical
reward regions of the brain, rich in the
neurotransmitter dopamine.
(AO2) How important are
rewards? Cate et al (1982)
found reward level was
superior to all other factors
in determining relationship
satisfaction. However, Hays
(1985) found that we gain
satisfaction from giving as
well as receiving.