Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Positivist
- The science is an only way to learn about the truth
- It is based on experience
- The objective obtained is considered authentic and factual
- The researcher is external and the research controller
- Post positivist
- Accepts that theories, background, knowledge and values of the
researcher can influence what is observed.
- It emphasizes deductive logic
- Allows more interaction between researcher and
research participants
- It is focused on social patterns and relationships
- Interpretive
- The predominant is practice
- It focuses on the differences
- Interpretative knowledge by prolongue interaction
- Uses ethnographic methods of informal interviewing
- Critical paradigm
- Tend to rely on dialogic methods, methods combining
observation and interviewing
- Enables the researcher to practice deep
- Challenge the mechanisms for order maintenance
- Focused on identifying, transforming socially
injust structures, policies, beliefs and practices
- The post modern paradigm
- Brings the concept of representation to our attention
- The emergence of science and technology are carriers of
development and progress
- Critical reflecting thinking
- Alternative modes of reasoning
- Multi-paradigmatic
- Focused on the researcher real-life
- Research design by combining methods and quality standards from other
- Are complementary approaches that expand the prospects for analysis of pre-existing