Design&make a product for 1 that a supermarket could sell to extend its cook/chill/frozen products


Mindmap am Design&make a product for 1 that a supermarket could sell to extend its cook/chill/frozen products, erstellt von Jacob Wallace am 12/01/2014.
Jacob Wallace
Mindmap von Jacob Wallace, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jacob Wallace
Erstellt von Jacob Wallace vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Design&make a product for 1 that a supermarket could sell to extend its cook/chill/frozen products
  1. Target age group
    1. The group of consumers that i will be targeting from this design brief is the working person. This is because i think they will be the most likely group to be eating a ready meal.
      1. Also i know that a lot of them work long hours and don't have time to cook from scratch when they get home therefore they will want something that can be made quickly and taste just as good as a meal that has been homemade.
        1. when designing the dish i will have to consider the cooking time and whether it will keep it's original flavour after being heated up in the microwave after cooking.
      2. Ideas for products
        1. countries
          1. Italy
            1. pasta
              1. spaghetti bolognese
                1. spaghetti carbonara
                  1. tagliatelle
                2. India
                  1. chicken korma
                    1. vindaloo
                      1. lamb balti
                      2. Greece
                        1. moussaka
                          1. gyros
                            1. kokoretsi
                            2. Great Britain
                              1. toad in the hole
                                1. steak and ale pie
                                  1. shepherd's pie
                                  2. Jamaica
                                    1. curried goat
                                      1. ackee and saltfish
                                        1. jerk chicken
                                    2. cost
                                      1. firstly, when deciding on my final dish i will consider how i can keep the cost of producing the dish down so when deciding on what the retail price should be that can also be a reasonably low price for the quality of the dish so it can be afforded by all. but it won't be relly cheap because it is aimed at the working person they have more disposable income than others to spend on higher quality products
                                        1. As it is likely that my final dish will contain meat i will use a good quality meat therefore the price of making the dish will be increase but i think it is worth it to pay slightly more for a better quality.
                                          1. What happens when a lower quality cut of meat is used is that it will contain a larger proportion of fat to meat. Also the meat may be of a lower quality which will lower the taste and quality of the overall dish. this is why I think paying slightly more for a better quality of meat is better than paying less.
                                          2. How the dish will apply to the senses
                                            1. sight
                                              1. For this dish to work it has to look like a proper meal. Some ready meals can look greasy or boring which can put you off eating the dish therefore I will create the dish in a way that will mean that the smallest amount of grease released is minimal. Also when deciding on my final dish I will choose one which contains a range of colours so it is more appealing to the consumer
                                              2. smell
                                                1. The smell of a dish is very important, if it doesn't smell very appealing you may not want to eat it in case it tastes like it smells. Therefore when testing dishes I will be smelling the dish once it's been cooked. if a dish doesn't smell appealing then I won't be taking it on to further development.
                                                2. feel
                                                  1. In my opinion I think that the dish has to feel good in your mouth. If it feels slimy or bitty you won't enjoy eating it even if it tastes nice. Therefore when producing the recipe for my final dish I will focus on what goes in it and how it is prepared to give the best sensory experience.
                                                3. the disassembly of existing products
                                                  1. The disassembly of existing products is an important part of the process. by doing this it makes narrowing down the decisions that need making. for example after trying one ready meal you can decide on whether the consistency of the sauce was right or the proportion of meat to vegetable was good for what you want to do.
                                                    1. This area can be focused on a certain area, for example if you are going to make a Chinese meal for your final dish you would buy Chinese ready meals to try out.
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