Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Augustinian Theodicy
Angels, Humans,
Cattle, Plants,
- PRIVATIO BONI = Evil is not a thing, but an
absence of good.
- Blindness is not a thing, Blindness is considered to be an evil, Blindness
is the absence of the correct functioning of the eye, Blindness is a lack of
goodness because a seeing eye is good, The evil of blindness is the lack
of goodness of sight.
- Evil enters the world when something turns
away from its proper place in the hierarchy
of goodness eg when it 'falls short' of what it
is meant to be.
- For Augustine, choosing to fall short is a
result of pride. The angels and human beings
who turn away from God do so because they
prefer themselves to God.
- So, Evil first entered the world because of the FALL OF THE
ANGELS and The ACTIONS OF ADAM AND EVE. Everything can
suffer an evil by 'falling short' of what it should be but only
angels and human beings are free to choose to 'fall short', to be
less than they are intended to be.
- MORAL EVIL = evil events or acts caused by
human beings choosing freely to do the
action in question, eg, rape, murder, theft.
- Angels an humans have free will. They can choose what to do, say, think, feel.
They can choose to do good which means, they can also choose to do evil. This is
why there is moral evil.
- NATURAL EVIL = events that have bad or evil
consequences when experienced by human beings, eg,
tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides.
- For Augustine, natural evil is caused by the fallen angels
who wreak havoc with God's creation. He also suggests
that it is a punishment for sin.
- Humankind can only be redeemed from the consequences of sin by Jesus. The work of
Jesus on the cross is essential for man's redemption from sin. At the end of time or at
the moment of death there shall come a time of judgement when some will be
admitted to eternal life and others will be condemned to eternal torment.
- There is value in evil. The existence of evil
highlights the goodness of creation.