

Mindmap am Anarchism, erstellt von Dominic Ramsay am 13/01/2014.
Dominic Ramsay
Mindmap von Dominic Ramsay, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dominic Ramsay
Erstellt von Dominic Ramsay vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Origins
    1. Has connections with both Liberalism and Socialism as an extreme form of either
      1. Part company with Liberals over the belief that no (as opposed to limited) authority should be allowed to restrain individuals
        1. Parts company with Marxism over their opposition to the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
        2. Stems from the belief that people such as Napoleon and Stalin were the inevitable consequence of allowing a popular revolution to be captured by the state
          1. Thus believe that it is impossible for people to 'capture' the state for good purposes
        3. Anti-Statism
          1. Anarchists believe that any form of authority is bad as any external authority is tantamount to opression
            1. Only form of authority that is acceptable is one that is volunteered for by the individual. I.e. Learning a trade from a master
            2. Anarchism have a universal belief in the Sovereign, Autonomous, Rational Individual
              1. Rational humans need no external authority to make decisions for them or to organise their activity.
                1. Believe that the sole reason for the existence of hierarchy, authority and religion is to perpetuate the rule of elites
                2. Stateless Society
                  1. Anarchism's belief in a stateless society is often described as utopian
                    1. Anarchists believe this to be possible due to a perfectiable view of Human Nature
                      1. Anarchistssee widespread examples of alturism as an example of true human nature showing itself despite the state
                    2. Political Practice
                      1. They reject political parties as a means to change society, instead forming 'federations'
                        1. Some Anarchists attempt to create anarchist islands within current society, these experiments often follow the principles of Mutualism
                          1. Mutualism is a view of how production might be organised in an anarchist society.
                            1. In this society, producers have the right to posses the outcome of their labour and the right to posses in order to use necessary means
                              1. There would however, be some free association of producers beyond the family unit. This would be a system of democratic association of workers.
                                1. The workers would have an absolute right to an equal share of the output of their enterprise
                            2. Other anarchists have attempted to overthrow the state using revolutionary violence, however this was a complete failure and their view of the state has led them to either underestimate (Italy) or overestimate (Spain) the problems in taking power and transforming society
                            3. Individualist Anarchism
                              1. Places emphasis on the individual and rationality and is thus, an extreme form of Liberalism
                                1. Egoism - The belief that it is morally right to do whatever is in your own self interest.
                                  1. This version lent itself to the free-market aspects of economic liberalism and then to what became known as libertarianism
                                  2. Libetarians hold that any state authority is oppressive because it is a restraint on the free excercise of rational decision making by the individual
                                    1. Social relations should only be regulated by freely made contracts between individuals
                                      1. Private Property is central to this ideology, leading to development of a sub variant - Anarcho Capitalism
                                      2. Anarcho Capitalism is the most extreme form of Individualist Anarchism
                                        1. Anarcho-Capitalists believe that the liberty of rational individuals can only be guaranteed by the absence of restraints on their ability to enjoy their property.
                                          1. Since this means there can be no taxation, there can be no state
                                            1. All residual state functions noted by Smith (Law and Order, Justice, and defence) could be carried out by individual corporations
                                        2. Collectivist Anarchism
                                          1. Belief that Humans are naturally social beings, who spontaneously co-operate with each other. There are two principal interpretations: Anarcho-Communism and Anarcho-Syndicalism
                                            1. Anarcho-Communists advocate the abolition of private property and the redistribution according to need
                                              1. Production would be carried out through voluntary associations as in other anarchist traditions
                                                1. All Anarcho-Communist principles are identical to conventional Marxism with the exception to their opposition to the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
                                                2. Anarcho-Syndicalism is a form of Anarchism based on Trade Unions as the agent of revolutionary change on basis of organisation in society.
                                                  1. Anarcho-Syndicalism also wishes to abolish the wage system
                                                    1. These Trade Unions were created, funded and controlled by their members and could be used as weapons against Capitalism and the State
                                                  2. Notable Thinkers: Mikhail Bakunin/ Pierre Joseph Proudon Peter Kropotkin
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