Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Important need to know facts
- Partition of Bengal
- Caused by;
- Famine
- Blue Mutiny of indigo
- The economy relied on the monsoons which failed to occur
- Twice as large as Britain's province
- Reaction
- Muslims were delighted
- Hindus were outraged
- Caused violence
- Terrorism
- There were attempts to bomb a local judge-2 European women were killed
- Shooting of an official from the India office in London(1909)
- Protests
- Marches
- Swadesh of British goods
- Hartal
- There were letters of complaint to;
- The government
- The congress
- The newspapers
- Congress split in 1907
- Congress was held in calcutta in 1906
- Gokhale (moderate) wanted to work along side Britain
- Gokhale wanted Indian
produce to be the number one
choice in India rather than
boycotting British goods
- Tilak (extremist) wanted indepencance
- The 1909 congress was scheduled for Naypur but was changed at the last minute
- Tried to make congress support radical demands
- Moderates wanted it to be the final word
- Tilak asked to speak and was ignored, he interrupted the presidents speech
- A shoe was thrown, an extremists
shoe, which led to a full scale brawl
which needed police intervention
- Extremists were convicted of terrorism
and were deported to Bengal
- Moderates are in power until the middle of WW2
- The Indian Councils Act 1909/Morley-Minto Reforms
- John Morley-Viceroy in India (Lord Minto)
- Reform would not lead to an Indian
Parliament or Self-government in the
foreseeable future
- Reforms provide a voice for normal Indian citizens (135 seats in legislative councils)
- Gives specific seats to minority groups
- Congress publicly supported reforms then they
protested Muslims and initially complined
- Then they approved mainly because
they had designated seats
- The Montagu Declaration
- It declares that India will get "Gradual development of self-government"
- Indians believe that they will have a self-governing nation
- British believe that they may never even get it
- Why were the British so concerned by the end of WW1
- Russia
- Communist revolution
- May appeal to Indians
- Vulnerable boarders between Russia and India
- Home Rule leagues gaining mass support nation wide
- Lucknow Pact
- Divide and rule no longer
- Muslims and Hindus can work together
- Agreement made between congress
and the Muslim league
- They will work together to push for nationalist reform
- Ghadr mutiny
- Punjab mutiny
- WW1
- Spanish flu pandemic
- Kills more than WW1
- Creates chaos
- makes rebellion more likely
- Change in status of Britain
- No longer the super-power they had been
- War took 4 years not
the predicted 6 months
- They had to rely on help from U.S to win the war
- The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms/The 1919 Government Of India Act
- Montagu
- Sees the British rule as bad
- Chelmsford
- Viceroy at the time
- Effects of Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
- Reforms were rejected by congress
- Created problems in British parliament
- Many people (British and Indian) hated seperate electorates
- Resulted to violence in the Punjab
- However
- Was welcomed by many as a step towards an independent government
- For the first time Indian politicians were given minsteral power