Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Evaluation based on Critical System Heuristic
- CSH Questions
- Sources of motivation
- Purpose
- Measure of success
- Beneficiary
- Source of expertise
- Expert
- Expertise
- Guarantor
- Sources of control
- Resources
- Decision Environment
- Decision maker
- Source of legitimation
- Witnesses
- Emancipation
- Worldview
- Three issues presented in the 12 questions
- Role-specific concerns
- Key problems
- Social role
- When to use CSH?
- Situation with human purpose
- Individual or collective concern
- Emphasis on evaluating the means
- Used in evaluating plans or planning processes
- Ideal planning
- Objective Planning
- Goal Planning
- The technique
- Identify the system of interest
- Define your own role
- Identify the hierarchy level of planning
- Identify stakeholders
- Beneficiaries
- Decision maker
- Experts
- Witnesses
- Monological
- Picture of the solution
- Dialogical
- Design of an interview questionnaire
- Case study: Natural resource management
- Situation of interest:
Participatory planning in
rural development
- System: Enhance natural resource-use appraisal
- Government, Donor agency,
Consultancy and NGO's as
main stakeholders
- Natural resources management project
- Participatory Rural Appraisal
- Botswana Range inventory and Monitoring pROJECT