Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Ethical Issues in Counselling
- 1. Competence &
- 2. Therapy
- 3. Human
- 4. Record
keeping &
- 5. Privacy &
- 6. Research &
- APA #8
- 8.01 Institutional approval
- 8.02 Informed Consent
- 8.03 Informed consent for recording voices & images in research
- 7. Education & Training
- APA #7
- 7.01 Design of Education and
Training Programs
- 7.01 (a) Ensure the program provide appropriate knowledge, information , opportunities & experience to meet the stated nature & goal of the program
- 7.01 (b) Accountability
- 7.02 Descriptions of Education and
Training Programs
- 7.02 (a) Accurate & current program descriptions & requirements
- 7.02 (b) Should be easily available
- 7.02 (c) Allow students to make reasoned decisions about training based on the most accurate & relevant information available
- 7.03 Accuracy in teaching
- 7.03 (a) Ensure accurate course syllabi and that modification to it are made known to the stuents
- 7.03 (b) Students should be informed 1) subject matter; 2) systems of grading or assessing learning; 3) nature of course experiences to be anticipated
- 7.03 (c) Goal of transparency between faculty & student expectations
- 7.03 (d) Present psychological accurately - balance freedom of academic expression with accuracy & inclusion of material germane to the course
- 7.04 Students disclosure of
personal information
- 7.04 (a) Protect the privacy of (students) from loss of objectivity by those with decision-making
& judgment power over their training expereince
- 7.04 (b) Potential for loss of objectivity can be a threat to professional
relations (affect perception of students)
- 7.04 (c) Do not require students to disclose personal
information about previous experiences
- Unless
- 1. This is listed in the
admission requirements
- 3. Information helpstudents who are struggling with their training & seem
to be impaired & unable to perform their duties
- 2. Students poses a threat to fellow
students or others
- 7.05 Mandatory individual or
Group therapy
- 7.05 (a) If course required -> students must have access to non-program affiliated therapists
- Protect autonomy & privacy of students
- 7.05 (b) faculty responsible for evaluation do not provide any required therapy
- 7.06 Assessing student and
supervisee performance
- 7.06 (a) Informed consent
- getting students the information they need to know in order for them to understand and respond to expectations
- 7.06 (b) Establish a process for feedback at the beginning of the semester
- should have a well-defined & timely process for providing feedback & constructive criticism
- 7.06 (c) Evaluate students based on their actual performance
- Not extraneous but compelling factors
- 7.07 Sexual relationship with
students and supervisees
- General principle
- Principle A
- Principle B
- Principle C
- Principle D
- Principle E
- Beneficence & Nonmaleficence