Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Dopamine Pathways in the brain by
- Mesolimbic
- Physiology: Projections from VTA (A10) to N. Ac (the Olf Bulb and Amgydala also)
- Motivation, Emotion, REWARD!
- Regulates these behaviours
- Overactivity = Positive Symptoms of Szh
- These include Delusions, Hallucinations and Thought Disorder and other Psychosis (reality testing is impaired)
Furthermore = Catatonia (immobility/ non-purposeful movement)
- D2 Antagonism Here = Alleviate Positive
symptoms in Szh
- Underactivity of this results = Antipsychotic Drug MOA
- Mesocortical
- Physiology: Projections from VTA (A10) to
Prefrontal Cortex (PFC)
- Dorsal Lateral PFC = Cognitive Functions
- Cognitive Deficits in Szh
- Ventral Lateral PFC = Emotions and Affect
- Overactivity = Negative Symptoms of Szh
- D2 Antagonism here = Alleviate Szh Symptoms
- Nigrostriatal Pathway
- Physiology = Projections from Substantia Nigra (A9) to Striatum (caudaute nuclues and putamen)
- Controls Movement indirectly - Overactivity = Tardive Dyskinesia & Underactivity = Parkinsonism
- See Basal Ganglia Pathways!
Involved in preventing non-purposeful movement
- Parkinsonism = Movement disorder & clinical syndrome caused by lesions/damage to Basal ganglis'a Substantia Nigra
- D2 Block = Antipsychotic use side affects
- In particular the Extrapyramidal side effects = movement disorders
- These disorders involve involuntary movements
- Tuberoinfundibular
- Physiology = Projections from Hypothalamus (arcuate and periventricular nuclei) to
infundibular region in medial eminence
- From one part of the hypothalamus to the other
- Portal circulation between Medial eminence and Anterior pituitary = Dopamine released here
- Dopamine inhibits Prolactin release
- Hyperactivity = Too little Prolactin
- Underactivity = Too much Prolactin
- So D2 Blockade = Hyperprolactineamia
- This is another side effect of Antipsychotic Drugs