Issues with Standing Supporters, at English football games


how does standing affect the customer experience at football stadiums
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Issues with Standing Supporters, at English football games
  1. Safety
    1. Increased tension - close to other spectators, less personal space
      1. Potential for injury
      2. Pushing, shoving and crushing - People falling over. Bumping into each other while celebrating
        1. Potential for injury
      3. Spectator Experience
        1. The view for smaller fans
          1. Increased Atmosphere
          2. Larger Attendances
            1. Increased atmosphere
              1. Enhanced Performance
                1. Returning Customers
            2. Previous Disasters
              1. Avoiding any disasters similar that have happened
                1. What measures are in place to avoid this
                2. Policing/Stewards
                  1. Increased need for more police and stewards
                  2. Disabled/Young People
                    1. More space required for disabled spectators
                      1. Young people will find it harder to see through the crowds
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