Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Operating system software
- an operating system is a piece of software, the KERNEL or core of which needs to be held in
memory at all times, other components are loaded in when needed its required to:-
- To act as an interface between human and the computer
because a computer operates at electronic speeds which a
human cannot match
- the user interface is where the computer sysyem and human
meet, the user interacts with menus and cons, sees programs
runig in windows and organises files in folders, - these are
virtual representations presented by the computer
- To Monitor and control all hardware and software activities within the
computer system
- OS and hardware
- OS and software
- To organise files on disk
- files stored on disks must also be kept in a logical way to
ensure ease of location. therefore disks are divided into
partitions, tracks and clusters. a database is used to keep
a record of which clusters are used